Adventure Blog

Meet Your Guide – Bubba Smith – Aerial Guide

Bubba Smith Aerial Guide Adventures on the Gorge

Bubba Smith – Adventures on the Gorge 2019 Aerial Guide of the Year
Adventures on the Gorge: How and when did you become an aerial adventure guide?

Bubba Smith: I became an aerial guide when I was 18 because I fell in love with the outdoor industry.

AOTG: What is your favorite part of your job?

Bubba: My favorite part about this job is meeting people from all different walks of life.

AOTG: What is your favorite part about spending time in up in the trees?

Bubba: Spending time in the trees has always been a relaxing and natural feeling for me.

AOTG: What are three reasons people should book an aerial adventure?

Bubba: The reasons I tell people they should book an aerial adventure are:

  • It is an exciting new experience
  • You get to face your fears
  • You get to go really fast!
Bubba Smith Gravirty
Bubba Smith

AOTG: What makes Adventures on the Gorge different and special?

Bubba: AOTG is a unique blend of a fun, friendly environment and the great outdoors!

AOTG: What is your advice to a first time Aerial Adventurer? What trip do you suggest they take?

Bubba: My advice for any first time adventurer is to try to relax and have as much fun as possible. I suggest Gravity Ziplines for people that have a fear of heights because you start and finish on the ground.

AOTG: What is your favorite memory at Adventures on the Gorge?

Bubba: My favorite memory would be taking the Wounded Warrior program out ziplining!

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If you want to experience everything we have to offer, please call one of our adventure specialists.

Bubba Smith Aerial Guide Adventures on the Gorge
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