Shannon Highlander River Manager Adventures on the Gorge
Shannon Highlander
River Manager

Shannon Highlander, River Manager

The fact that that Shannon Highlander loves skiing in the winter and rafting in the summer hardly makes him unusual. Shannon, however, figured out more than 20 years ago how to make a living from both adventures.

The River Operations Manager at Adventures on the Gorge, Shannon has been taking guests down the New and Gauley Rivers as a guide since 1993.

When the air turns cold, Shannon heads to his “winter home” since 1998 of Park City, Utah where he is a Professional Ski Instructors of America level three instructor and examiner.

He has also ventured to other rivers and ski hills in the United States and internationally to guide rafting trips and teach skiing.

Shannon loves the small town feel of Fayetteville, W.Va. as well as the people that call it home, even if they sometimes tease him about being an “outsider.”

“I was born 22 miles away in Beckley which does not get me a local’s card in Fayetteville,” he says.

The best part of his job? Getting to do something he is passionate about. Working in the outdoors has allowed him to meet people and see things that others working in an office only dream about.


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