Lower Gauley River Whitewater Rafting

High adventure. Technically demanding. World-renowned whitewater.

Hailed as one of the best whitewater runs in the world and a milestone for many, the Gauley River drops more than 668 feet through 24 miles of high-volume, Class III-V rapids requiring tight, technical maneuvering from start to finish. The Gauley is split into two main sections: the Upper Gauley and the Lower Gauley.

At 13 miles long, the Lower Gauley offers ample stretches of calm, relaxing waters, breathtaking scenery, and thrilling rapids. This section is a good fit for experienced rafters or adventurous first-timers who dare to go one step further. You’ll get a taste of Class V rapids, but it’s not quite as demanding as the Upper Gauley.

Gauley Season brings the year’s biggest whitewater and draws enthusiasts from across the globe each September and October. Over the course of six weeks, water is released from Summersville Lake on a set schedule, making for wild, powerful, BIG rapids that bring thrills you just can’t get anywhere else.

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We’re here to answer all your whitewater-related questions, from what to wear to what rapid classifications mean. Here are some of our most asked whitewater questions.

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